Friday, August 24, 2007

Point of Insanity

Har. I was gonna post this yesterday but the internet connection died at night. haha.

I drew a whole lot of pictures, most of which sucked. This is about the only thing I could really come up with. :( lol. I drew it in less than a minute. NEW IDEA that came up. This guy is so lonely and messed up that one day he starts to see a girl. He's still pretty normal (in the head) at the time and he realizes fast that she's just a hallucination, so he ignores her. Slowly he starts to accept her presence, and one day she puts her hand on his shoulder and he actually feels it, so he decides that this is the point of insanity (He's now crazy! Yay!) except in the story she actually did become real. :O BUT I SHAN'T RUIN THE STORY. the one I'll probably end up never telling. HAHA.

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